
Before assembling, connecting and using the device, please read this manual carefully. In case of any problems with understanding its content, please contact the seller of the device. Self-assembly and commissioning of the device is possible provided that the appropriate tools are used. Nevertheless, it is recommended that the device be installed by qualified personnel.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage that may result from improper installation or operation of the device, as well as from performing independent repairs and modifications.


The structure of the VDA-08C5 monitor is shown in fig. 1.1
Fig. 1.1 Construction of the monitor  VDA-08C5

The structure of the VDA-10C5 monitor is shown in Fig. 1.2
Fig. 1.2 Construction of the monitor VDA-10C5

To install the monitor:
  1. Screw the mounting frame to the wall in a way ensuring easy and aesthetic lead connecting the monitor and the external cassette. The standard height at which the center of the monitor screen should be located is approx. 150 cm, but its position can be adjusted to the individual needs of users.
  2. Connect individual wires of the cable to the connection sockets on the back of the monitor according to the diagram (Fig. 2).
  3. Connect the plug of the supplied power adapter to the power socket.
  4. There are 4 holes on the back of the monitor casing, gently hang the monitor on the frame so that all 4 frame holders are in the casing openings.
  5. Connect the power supply to the ~ 230V / 50Hz mains.
It is recommended to screw the monitor mounting frame to the previously mounted Ø60 mm flush-mounted box. An improperly mounted mounting frame may adversely affect the proper operation of the monitor's touch screen. Avoid hanging the monitor forcibly on the bezel.

Fig. 2. Installing the monito

In preview mode or when ringing, the following buttons appear
1. Connection of an ordinary unshielded and shielded 4-wire cable: Distance <28M (0.5mm2); Distance <50M (0.75mm2); <100M (1mm2).
2. 4-wire connection using an unshielded cable + video cable (75 Ω):
Distance: <100M (75 Ω cable + 3 wires: 1 mm2). Recommended combination.

3. Connections using 4 pairs of CAT5 or CAT6 network cable: Distance <28M


Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the system expansion.

* element of additional equipment
Fig. 4. Connection diagram with the use of mains adapters

* element of additional equipment
Fig. 5. Connection diagram with the use of one power supply (12V 4.5A with voltage regulation function)

* element of additional equipment
Fig. 6. Scheme of connecting the SLAVE monitor

* element of additional equipment
Fig. 7. Diagram of connection of additional cameras

Standby mode

  1. The conversation will be automatically ended 20 seconds after opening the electric strike.
  2. The monitor equipped with the SD card will record the video until the call is ended (the video recording mode is set).
  3. The monitor with the SD card will take a picture when called from the outdoor station. The user can also take a photo himself at any time during the conversation.
  4. During the conversation, if there is a call from another door or an alarm from the camera detectors, a text message will be displayed on the screen and an information sound will be played.
  5. When a call is made while navigating through the menu, the monitor enters the call mode
The internal communication function requires at least two monitors and one external cassette to be connected.

connection requires at least two monitors.
Standby mode

By launching the main menu and selecting the option "Preview”, Four icons will be displayed corresponding to: Input1, Input 2, Camera 1, Camera 2. Selecting one of them will display the image from the given input, camera.

Fig. 8
  1. Input 1 and input 2 image display time is 1 min. However, the display time of the image from camera 1 or camera 2 is 5 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the monitor enters standby mode.
  2. In the preview mode, the outside sound will be automatically transmitted to the monitor. However, the sound from inside will be automatically turned off.
  3. In the preview mode, press the pick-up button to establish audio communication with the door station. Press the opening button to activate the bolt / electric strike. Press the capture button to save the image or press the record video button to save the video. You can also modify, click the settings button to modify the conversation volume, image brightness, contrast and saturation.
  4. In the preview mode, by clicking in turn the monitoring button, we change the images from input 1, input 2, cameras 1, cameras 2 in turn.
  5. Press the hang-up button to end the preview or conversation and return to standby mode.
  1. In case when only one channel is active (eg input 1), clicking the monitoring button again will exit the monitoring mode. However, this requires disabling the camera 1,camera 2, input 2 channels. If these channels are active without a device connected, the monitor will display a black image.
  2. In case you have two or more monitors, all monitors can display the image simultaneously. However, they will all show the same image from the outside.
  3. During voice communication with the door station in preview mode, when the visitor presses the call button, the monitor will stop the preview mode and enter the call mode.
  4. In the preview mode, the monitor does not record and does not take pictures automatically, you should do it manually if necessary.


The start screen shows the current time and date in standby mode. It is possible to convert to digital frame mode.
10.1. Clock mode
The clock mode is divided into two parts.
First: Time, date.
Second: Recorded calls, recorded messages, motion detection recordings, alarm recordings.
Fig. 9
  1. In the menu mode, the monitor will return to standby in 1 min. without taking any action (except playing music, video and photos)
  2. In clock mode, the monitor goes blank in 1 minute. without taking any action.
  3. With the screen blank, click the monitor to return to the clock mode (when clock mode is on and when the digital frame is off).
  4. If the user has an unread history of calls, motion detection, alarms, then the symbol with the number of notifications appears on each icon.
  5. In the clock mode, the user can directly click the notification icon to display the notification content.
10.2. Digital Frame Mode
The digital photo frame displays photos from the SD card in standby mode.

If the frame function is active, you must deactivate the motion detection functions fromthe door stations and additional cameras, otherwise the monitor will not display photos.

Fig. 10
When you insert an SD card, the monitor will create a "DigitalFrame" folder on it. Allphotos to be displayed as a digital frame must be placed in this folder.

In standby mode, click the monitor screen to activate the main menu. The following icons will appear in the menu.

Fig. 11

To quickly return to Standby mode, press the Standby button.

11.1. Intercom
The intercom function allows us to connect with other monitors connected to one system. The first five icons correspond to the consecutive monitor numbers excluding the supported monitor. After selecting a specific monitor number, the connection will be established. By selecting ALL, we will call up all monitors at the same time, the conversation will be conducted with the first respondent.

Fig. 12
11.2. Settings
Fig. 13

11.2.1 System
Fig. 14

[Monitor address]It means the ID number of a given monitor in the range from 1 to 6.
Number 1 is set for the main monitor (Master), and ID 2 to 6 for the next additional monitors (Slave). The system supports up to 6 monitors.

[Time]Modification of time and date.

[Formatdates]Date format settings. Three choices: YY-MM-DD / MM-DD-YY / DD-MM-YY.

[Tongue]Language selection

[Clock]For the enabled functionClockthe date appears with a clock on the standby screen. With the function turned offClockthe monitor will turn off automatically in standby mode.

[Operation sound]Option to play sound when pressing icons on the monitor.

[Motion detection preview]With the preview enabled, the monitor will power on and display the image being recorded when motion is detected. When this option is turned off, the image is recorded in the background.

[Connect signal]Signal played at door station when called.

[Gate opening time]The time of opening the relay in the monitor. Range from 1 to 10s. Default 2s. If the gate is connected, set to 1s

11.2.2 Door station

Fig. 15

The monitor allows you to set different options independently for Input 1 and Input 2.

[Status]Indicates whether the given input is active. If the input preview is enabled, it will be possible from the monitor position. If some inputs are not used (e.g. from cameras), they can be turned off.Input 1it is always active and cannot be turned off.

[Time of opening the entrance]Setting of opening time at the outdoor station. Range from 1 to 10s, default 2s.

[Recording Mode]There are two recording modes: photo or video. Video mode means that when the outdoor station is called, the monitor will save the video to the SD card automatically. Saving the recording will continue until the end of the call.
Photo mode means that when the door station is called, the monitor will automatically take a photo on the SD card of the person standing in front of the door station.

[Motion Detection]Starts the option to record an image / take photos when motion is detected.

[Detection sensitivity]Motion detection sensitivity setting. Three Modes: Low, Medium, High.
The low option is the least sensitive to movement. The high option is the most sensitive to movement.

[Motion detection time]Time for which video will be recorded while motion is detected. Range from 10 to 300s. By default 20.

[Leave a message]This option means that when the user fails to answer the call or the "Away" mode is set in the main menu - the voice message "Record message after the tone" will be played at the outdoor station.

[Message length]Setting the message recording time. Settings 30s, 60s, 120s. Default 30s.

[Signal system]Includes 3 settings: Auto, PAL and NTSC. Set to Auto to let the monitor recognize the signal system itself.

[Signal type]Includes 7 presets: AHD1080, AHD720, CVBS, CVI1080, CVI720, TVI1080 and TVI720. If the signal system is set to PAL or NTSC then the signal type can be changed. If the signal system is set to Auto, then it is not possible to select the signal type.

[Ringtone settings]Settings for ring duration, ring type, melody selection, volume for
three different time periods.

Fig. 16

The default period for Melody 1 is from 6.00-12.00, Melody 2 from 12.00-18.00, Melody 3 from 18.00-6.00. The time periods can be edited.

[Melody duration]Duration of the monitor ringing from the moment it is triggered by the outdoor station. Range from 5s-45s. Default 30s.

[Ring type]Choose between standard ringtones and your own. The standard option includes 10 melodies to choose from. The own option allows you to set your own ringtone from an mp3 file, from an SD memory card. (The ringtone must be placed in the "Ring" folder on the memory card. The folder is created automatically when the card is inserted into the monitor. The folder can also be created manually on the computer).

[Melody selection]In standard mode, select between 10 rings. In Custom mode, choose between your mp3 ringtones placed in the "Ring" folder.

[Melody volume]Setting the ringer volume in the monitor. The range is from 1 to 10. The
default is 7.

11.2.3 Camera

Fig. 17

[Status]Indicates channel activity. If the channel is disabled, the preview image from that camera will not be displayed on the monitor.

[Sensor type]The monitor can work with two types of detectors: NO and NC (see point 12). The detector type can be set independently for both cameras.

Description of the detector types:

  • YEAH]In the case of NO (normally open), the detector contacts are always open. When motion is detected, the contacts close (close). This triggers an alarm.
  • [NC]In the case of NC (normally closed), the detector contacts are closed all the time. When motion is detected, the contacts open (open). This triggers an alarm.
  • [Off]If an external detector is not used, set the type to "Off".
[Alarm time]Defines the length of the alarm sound when motion is detected from the external camera motion detector. Range from 1s-10s, default 5s.

[Registration mode]There are two recording modes: photo or video. Video mode means that when the alarm is triggered, the monitor will automatically save the video to the SD card.

Saving the recording will continue until the alarm ends or the call end icon is pressed.

Photo mode means that when the alarm is triggered, the monitor will automatically take a photo on the SD card.

[Motion Detection]Enables or disables motion detection based on image change.

[Detection sensitivity]Set the sensitivity of motion detection based on image change. Three Modes: Low, Medium, High. The low option is the least sensitive to movement. The high option is the most sensitive to movement.

[Motion detection time]The amount of time video will be recorded when motion is detected based on the image change. Range from 10 to 300s. By default 20.

[Signal system]Includes 3 settings: Auto, PAL and NTSC. Set to Auto to let the monitor recognize the signal system itself.

[Signal type]Includes 7 presets: AHD1080, AHD720, CVBS, CVI1080, CVI720, TVI1080 and TVI720. If the signal system is set to PAL or NTSC then the signal type can be changed. If the signal system is set to Auto, then it is not possible to select the signal type.

11.2.4 Information

Fig. 18

[Device version]Displays the version number of a specific instance.

[Software version]Displays the software version number. [Firmware] Displays the current MCU version number of the device. [Release date] Displays the release date of the monitor software.

[SD card capacity]Displays the capacity of the SD card and the remaining free space on the card. When the card is not inserted, the message "No sd" is displayed.

11.2.5 Scenes

Fig. 19

[Digital frame]Indicates that the digital frame function is enabled. If the digital frame is on, the monitor will begin displaying images when you return to standby mode. (Only for models with an SD memory card. Photos must be placed on the SD memory card in the
“DigitalFrame” folder).

[Sequence time]Time during which a single photo is displayed.

[Background music]Indicates whether background music is on. Background music can be played along with the digital frame if this option is enabled and the monitor has a memory card inserted. Music in mp3 format must be placed on the SD memory card in the "BgMusic" folder)

[Background music volume]Set the volume of background music. Range from 1-10.

2.6. Advanced

Fig. 20

[Format SD card]Option to format the SD card.

[Factory settings]Restores the monitor to factory settings. The monitor will restart after the settings are restored.

[Update]Updates the software of the monitor (serviced by the manufacturer's service).

[Reboot System]Option to restart the monitor.

11.2.7. Network
From the option item Networkit is possible to select the mode (EZ mode, AP mode, cable mode) with which we will establish communication with the application TUYA.
You need to download the application to install the software on your smartphoneTUYA from the Play Store (for Android users) or the AppStore (for iOS users). Then we register the account in the Tuya application. Remember that the smartphone is connected to the
same WiFi network to which the device will be added. EZ mode
In order to pair the application in a wireless EZ mode belongs: AP mode

In order to pair the application in a wirelessAP modebelongs: Cable mode
To change the monitor connection mode to cable (Ethernet) connection, enter the network settings from the monitor settings and change the mode to wired. Connect the 4-pin adapter to the LAN output on the monitor. On the other side of the adapter, connect
the LAN cable that is connected to our router / switch. Now you can go to the pairing procedure:

Notes on using the application
  • If the pairing of the monitor has failed, reset the monitor to factory settings and remove the added device from the application
  • In order to restore the monitor to factory settings, remove the previously added monitor from the application.
Designation of individual icons in the application.

11.3. Multimedia

Fig. 21

11.3.1 Music
Fig. 22

In the Media tab, click "Music" to display the list of music files. The following items are displayed in the music playback mode. File list, function buttons, play mode, play progress and volume.

Fig. 23

  1. Start the playback mode by clicking on an audio file.
  2. After selecting the volume, it can be changed from 0-10. By default 7.
  3. During playback, the track is scrolled by the progress bar.
  1. The mp3 files must be placed in the "BgMusic" folder on the memory card.
  2. If the door station is called or an alarm is triggered during playback, the monitor stops playback and switches to calling mode or alarm view.
11.3.2 Movie

Fig. 24

In the Multimedia tab, click Movie to display a list of movie files.
Fig. 25

Rewinding the movie is done by dragging your finger on the progress bar while the movie is playing. Click on the screen to scroll through and select the function buttons. The playback volume is set in the range from 0-10, the default is 7.

  1. Save videos to the root of your SD card
  2. If the door station is called or an alarm is triggered during playback, the monitor stops playback and switches to calling mode or alarm view.
  3. Movie play mode plays all files in a loop. When one file is finished, it automatically starts the next one. If there is only one movie file on the grate, it will continue to play in a loop.

11.3.3 Photos

Fig. 26
In the Media tab, click the photos to display the photo list

Fig. 27

  1. During playback, successive photos will switch automatically (photo change time corresponds to the photo change time of the digital frame).
  2. After calling up the function buttons, press to stop playback and press once or to view the previous or next photo. Press the back button to display the photo file list. (Click anywhere on the screen to hide the function buttons).
  3. All photos should be placed in the "DigitalFrame" folder on the SD card so that they can be detected and displayed
11.3.4 File Manager

Fig. 28

In the Media tab, click a file to display a list of SD card files. Upon entering, you will see the automatically created folders. "DigitalFrame", "BgMusic", "MessageImport", "Ring", "DOORBELL" (This folder is hidden from monitor position, only visible from computer position).

Fig. 29

[DigitalFrame]Folder with photos for the digital photo frame.
[BgMusic]Music folder for background music function.
[MessageImport]Folder for changing the default recording played for the "leave a message" function.
  1. Place the recorded voice file in this folder.
  2. In the file manager, find this file and click on it. The monitor will automatically import
the file to its internal memory and replace the original "leave a message after the beep"message.

Note: The file must be in mp3 format not larger than 2MB.
[Ring]User ringtones folder.
[DOORBEL]The folder contains four subfolders "ALARM", "CALL", MD "and" MSG ".
  • [ALARM]Contains files recorded from alarm calls.
  • [CALL]Contains call histories from the monitor and the outdoor station.
  • [MD]Contains motion detection recorded files.
  • [MSG]Contains the messages recorded with the "Leave a message" option from the outdoor station.
All these recordings from the four folders are visible in the Screen Log menu.

11.4. Journal

Fig. 30

User can view Call log, Message list, Detection log and Alarm log.

Call log:
  1. Contains automatic pictures or videos taken during calls to outdoor stations.
  2. Contains hand-captured photos or videos taken during calls to door stations.
List of messages:
Contains a list of messages when the "Leave a message" option is enabled, video is automatically recorded when the call is not answered.

Detection log:
  1. Contains automatic photos or videos taken during motion detection of outdoor stations and cameras.
  2. Contains hand-taken photos or videos taken during the motion detection of outdoor stations and cameras.

Alarm log.

  1. Contains automatic photos or videos taken during alarm calls from an additional motion detector.
  2. Contains hand-taken photos or videos taken during alarm calls from an additional motion detector.
  3. Note: After selecting a recording, a long press on the file will activate the options: delete, delete all and close. In the list of recordings, click back or forward to move through the pages.
11.5. At home, Away, Night
  1. At home: Normal operation mode.
  2. Away: The caller hears the message "leave a message" immediately after the call (The function only works with an installed SD card).
  3. Night: Do not disturb mode. All calling sounds are muted.
11.6. Closed / Open (gate)
Control of an additional NO / NC monitor relay. Usually connected to the gate operator control.

11.7. 7. Standby mode
Return to standby mode immediately.

11.8. Image parameter settings
After calling the door station, select the picture options icon. Options that can be modified are: Call volume, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation. Change a parameter by dragging the cursor on the bar.
Note: The image can be modified in the calling, monitoring, motion detection, alarm, etc.mode.

Fig. 31

Description of the types of detectors

[NO Normally Open]In the case of NO, the detector contacts are open all the time. When motion is detected, the contacts close (close). This triggers an alarm.

[NC Normally Closed]In the case of NC, the detector contacts are closed all the time. When motion is detected, the contacts open (open). This triggers an alarm. [Off]If an external detector is not used, set the type to "Off". When there is a short circuit between
ALARM and GND on CAM1 and CAM2, an alarm will sound, causing a sound signal from the monitor and the image from
the violated zone (Cam1 or Cam2) will be activated. The alarm time is 120s. To turn off the
alarm and return to standby mode, press
In models with an SD card, video or photo recording (depending on the selected setting) will be recorded when the alarm is triggered. The video recording time is 120s.

Connection way:
The monitor enables alarm connection for two types of NO and NC contacts. For two camera detectors, the contact type can be set independently (one NO and the other NC. The type should be set in the monitor depending on the detector type) Motion detectors require their own power supply. If the detector is supplied with the same voltage as the camera, then the power supply from the camera can be used. NO contact type means that when GND and ALARM are closed, the alarm will be triggered. NC
contact type means that when GND and ALARM is disconnected, the alarm will be triggered.

An example of the connection diagram for the NO detector

Eura-Tech Sp. z o. o. hereby declares that the type of radio device - WiFi VDA-08C5 monitor,  WiFi VDA-10C5 monitor -
complies with Directive 2014/53 / EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available
at the following internet address:

EURA-TECH Sp. z o.o.

ul. Przemysłowa 35A, 84-200 Wejherowo, Poland
All rights reserved.
The pictures, drawings and texts used in this manual are the property of ‘EURA-TECH’ Sp. z o.o.
Reproduction, distribution and publication

of the whole or parts of the manual without the author's consent are prohibited!
The Eura-Tech Sp. z o.o. company reserves the right to change technical parameters and modify the operating instructions without notification.
At the same time, we would like to inform that the most up-to-date version of the manual can be found on the website
on the subpage of the given product.
The EU declaration of conformity of the given device is provided on the website